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Chengdu J-20

Chengdu J-20 twin-engine fighter aircraft
The Chengdu J-20 airplane

The Chengdu J-20, nicknamed the Mighty Dragon, is a 5th generation twin-engine fighter aircraft created by China's Chengdu Aerospace Corporation for the People's Liberation Army Air Force (PLAAF) to operate in all weather conditions. The J-20 is designed as an air superiority fighter with precision strike capability. There are three variations of the aircraft: the J-20A initial production version, the J-20B with thrust-vectoring, and the J-20S with twin-seat teaming capability.

Descending from the J-XX program of the 1990s, the aircraft made its maiden flight on 11 January 2011 and was officially revealed at the 2016 China International Aviation & Aerospace Exhibition. The aircraft entered service in March 2017 with the first J-20 combat unit formed in February 2018, making China the second country in the world and the first in Asia to field an operational stealth aircraft. The J-20 is the world's third operational fifth-generation fighter aircraft after the American F-22 and F-35.

Specifications Overview
Chengdu J-20 twin-engine fighter aircraft
The Chengdu J-20

  • Crew: one (pilot)
  • Length: 21.2 m (69 ft 7 in)
  • Wingspan: 13.01 m (42 ft 8 in)
  • Height: 4.69 m (15 ft 5 in)
  • Wing area: 73 m2 (790 sq ft)
  • Empty weight: 17,000 kg (37,479 lb)
  • Gross weight: 25,000 kg (55,116 lb)
  • Max takeoff weight: 37,000 kg (81,571 lb)
  • Fuel capacity: 12,000 kg (26,000 lb) internally
  • Powerplant: 2 × Shenyang WS-10C afterburning turbofan, 142–147 kN (32,000–33,000 lbf) with afterburner


  • Maximum speed: Mach 2.0
  • Range: 5,500 km (3,400 mi, 3,000 nmi) with 2 external fuel tanks
  • Combat range: 2,000 km (1,200 mi, 1,100 mi)
  • Service ceiling: 20,000 m (66,000 ft)
  • g limits: +9/-3
  • Rate of climb: 304[9] m/s (59,800 ft/min)
  • Wing loading: 340 kg/m2 (69 lb/sq ft)


  • Maximum weapon capacity: 11,000 kg (24,000 lb)
  • Internal weapon bays :
    • PL-10 Short Range AAM
    • PL-12 Medium Range AAM
    • PL-15 Long Range AAM
    • PL-21 Very Long Range AAM (future implementation)
    • LS-6/50 kg and LS-6/100 kg Small-diameter precision-guided bomb (intended)
    • Anti-radiation missile
  • External hardpoints
    • 4× under-wing pylon capable of carrying drop tanks.


  • Type 1475 (KLJ-5) AESA Radar
  • EOTS-86 electro-optical targeting system (EOTS)
  • EORD-31 infrared search and track

The first photos of the Chinese J-20 stealthy fighter aircraft appeared in 2010. It was designed to compete against fifth-generation fighters, such as a US F-22 Raptor, and advanced fourth-generation fighters, such as a Russian Su-57 (previously known as PAK-FA). It is speculated, that the development of the J-20 was assisted by the Russian MiG aviation company. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, this aviation giant suffered from a loss of orders and an uncertain future. Externally the J-20 strongly resembles a cancelled Russian MiG 1.42 multi-role fighter. The MiG 1.42 demonstrator was first publicly revealed in 1999. It made its first flight in 2001, however, the Russian program was suspended due to funding problems. It is rather unusual that photos of this stealthy fighter aircraft came out even before the first flight, considering that all Chinese military programs are kept in high secrecy. However, during the last decade, China has taken a more transparent approach to its military programs. Still, there is little official information on this plane. When the first photos appeared some sources suggested, that this aircraft was a high-flying long-range interceptor. Other sources suggested, that it might be a long-range interdictor or tactical bomber. The J-20 is actually a medium- and long-range air superiority fighter, like the US F-22, which might also have a secondary ground attack capability. Actually, the new J-20 is an advanced fourth-generation fighter, rather than a true fifth-generation fighter. Still, though it easily outclasses older fourth-generation fighters, such as the US F-16 or the Russian Su-27. This aircraft made its first flight in 2011. By 2015 at least 5 prototypes were built. Low-rate initial production commenced in 2015. This new Chinese aircraft was first publicly revealed only in 2016. The first operational J-20 stealthy fighters were delivered to the Chinese Air Force in 2016. The J-20 fighter was officially adopted by the Chinese Air Force in 2017. Some sources report, that China plans to produce 570 of these aircraft.

   The new J-20 has a canard-delta configuration, blended fuselage with low radar cross-section, and large canted twin tails. This Chinese fighter has two large internal weapon bays for long-range air-to-air missiles and two small sidebars for short-range air-to-air missiles. Missiles are stored in these weapon bays to reduce the radar cross-section. It also has large fuel tanks for long-range missions. It carries more fuel and weapons than the American F-22 Raptor. Furthermore, this aircraft is capable of high-speed operations.

   The J-20 might use some of the technology from the destroyed US F-117 Night Hawk stealthy ground attack aircraft, that was shot down in Serbia in 1999. Parts of the wreckage made their way to China and were locally examined.

   By 2016 it was still unclear which engine this stealthy aircraft was using. Some sources reported, that its engine might be of a Russian origin. These might be the AL-31 turbofan engines, originally developed for the Soviet Su-27 air superiority fighter and used on similar Chinese fighters. It was planned that the J-20 would be equipped with indigenous WS-15 engines, however, at the time, these were not yet ready for production. One area, where China is particularly weak in terms of technology and industrial capabilities is jet engines. There were speculations that China may be as much as 10 years away from producing original indigenous engines for their stealth aircraft.

   The J-20 is not the only fighter aircraft program, that is running in the Chinese aviation industry. In 2012 China revealed another stealthy aircraft - the J-31. It is smaller than the J-20 and is about the same size as the F-35 stealthy multi-role fighter. Currently Chinese government pays enormous attention and devotes high level of resources towards the production of advanced fighter jets, that could be on par with the most capable US and Russian fighters.

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